esp Scan
Barcode based passenger validation utilising either mobile app or boarding pass

esp Scan in its simplest form is designed to be deployed at airport security checkpoints to validate that each passenger is permitted into the departure gate area. The system can be operated by staff, or installed with automated barriers for passengers to scan directly.

The solution can also be applied to other functions including gathering passenger statistics for the airport, passenger tracking, or passenger way finding.

esp Scan also collects valuable information for the airport, which can be used to better understand passenger flow. Data is held so reports can be produced including such items as number of passengers on each flight, profile of passenger throughput, average time passenger is airside. A web client can also be used for gate staff to query if a missing passenger has been seen at security, valuable information to determine if a passenger may make their flight.

T: 0118 916 9300
Key Features:
  • Reads any IATA BCBP Compliant Boarding Pass Bar Code (including Home Printed, issued at airport, or from Mobile Phone)

  • Standalone or Hosted Options

  • Validates against correct airport, departure date and for multiple use

  • Proven with multiple vendor Barcode Scanners, Gate Readers, or Automatic Barriers

  • Capable of integration with airport AODB system to validate

  • Powerful reporting options

  • Can validate other documents including Passports
  • Secure validation and tracking

  • Reduces staff requirements

  • Complies with IATA standard